* Answers on Flu

How do you tell whether you have the flu or a cold?

A: When the flu comes knocking, you’ll know it. You’re likely to be on your back and in misery for a good spell. The flu has a sudden onset with symptoms that include high fever and chills, cough, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, intense
fatigue, severe muscle aches and headache. The common cold is a couple of notches down, with symptoms such as lowgrade fever, cough, runny or congested nose, sneezing and mild sore throat. If it’s a cold, you might show up for work. If it’s the flu, forget it.

Besides bringing its own bag of miseries,the flu makes you more susceptible to bacterial infections such as pneumonia and can worsen asthma, diabetes, heart failure and other chronic conditions. So it’s important to dodge the flu if you can. The best way to do that is to get a flu vaccination. (Once you’ve experienced the flu, you won’t need further convincing.) If you do get the flu, there’s still an option: a prescription antiviral drug such as Tamiflu or Relenza. The drug can cut the illness short, but you can’t dawdle. The antiviral agent needs to be started within 48 hours after symptoms begin, and the sooner the better.

How effective is the flu vaccine in preventing the flu?

A: Not perfect, but pretty good. Flu vaccine works by triggering your immune system to recognise and attack specific strains of flu viruses. Because these viruses change fast, a yearly vaccination is required. The current vaccine is based on these changes. Each year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks flu virus strains worldwide in an attempt to reasonably predict which new strains will be circulating during the coming flu season. Based on this information, the agency recommends the makeup of that year’s flu vaccine. When virus strains in the vaccine are well-matched to actual virus strains circulating about, the flu vaccine appears to be 70-90% effective in preventing the flu among healthy adults younger than 65.

How is the flu virus spread?

A: The virus can be transmitted via respiratory droplets (from sneezing or coughing) through the air or on contaminated surfaces (anything people have touched) such as door knobs, self-service gas nozzles, and currency. People commonly become infected by touching their eyes, nose, or mouth after their hands have picked up the flu virus. You can stall the spread of the flu by covering your mouth with a disposable tissue (or shirt sleeve) when you cough or sneeze. The best way to avoid the flu, besides getting vaccinated, is to wash your hands frequently. Handwashing also prevents the spread of other communicable diseases. Those who remain flu-free won’t be sick and won’t be part of the chain spreading the disease to others. Please do your part this flu season.

(Richard Harkness is a consultant pharmacist, natural medicines specialist, and author of eight published books.) – MCT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Mike Conlin and i would like to show you my personal experience with Tamiflu.

I am 26 years old. Have been on Tamiflu for 5 days now. This stuff ROCKS. I was running a 104 Fever ... felt like I was doing to die, was snapping at everyone, etc. I got home and took my first dose along with a dose of Robotussin for my cough. I woke up 3 hours later and my fever dropped from 103.7 to 99.3. It fluctuated a little after that but remained under 100. Body Aches were gone. I was sweating like a mad man but that was probably the fever breaking.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Mild nausea .. almost puked on first dose. Also had mental fog going on. Concentration was difficult but my doctor forwarned me it makes you 'loopy'.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Mike Conlin

Tamiflu Side Effects