* Look Younger by Eating Fats

If you think that cutting off all the fat from your diet is going to make you look better, think again.

A move like that could age you faster instead. Your skin and hair needs fat in order to stay healthy. Radiant skin, healthy skin that glows from within is impossible if you do not eat enough fat in your diet. Strong, beautiful, healthy hair is impossible if you totally eliminate fat from your diet.

The crux of the matter is this. You need to eat fat in order to have healthy skin and hair. Healthy skin and healthy hair is beautiful.

The fat I'm talking about isn't the unhealthy, cholesterol-ridden fats you find around your steak or your bacon or the butter you might spread on your bread. I'm talking about healthy fats. The sort you would find in nuts and seeds, in cold pressed vegetable oils like olive oil and in olive fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines.

Hard to believe?

Not if you look at the nutrients found in foods containing the good fats. Take cod liver Oil for example. That is taken as a supplement because of its vitamin D content. How about evening primrose Oil taken for its GLA or gamma-linolenic acid. A fatty acid that is used to build cell membranes. Both omega-3 and omega-6 fats work together to keep your skin soft and velvety. They help your skin stay hydrated.

Your body needs essential fatty acids.

EFAs help your body process the food to release the energy needed for your life processes. They are important in the transfer of oxygen in your body as well as the regulation of nutrients in and out of the cells among other things.

Your body in particular needs omega-3 fats.

Yes, you also need the omega-6 fats which are plentiful in your regular diet. Omega-6 fats are found in corn oil, safflower oil and canola oil. Omega-3 fats aren't that common in most diets. You can get the necessary omega-3 fats by eating walnuts and eating oily fish. Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fats too.

You should take olive oil.

Use that in your salads. It is rich in monosaturated fatty acids. It is rich in antioxidants like vitamin E. In fact, most vegetable oils contain vitamin E. Almond oil and wheatgerm oil are also rich sources of vitamin E.

Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant.

Anti-oxidants neutralize the free radicals that would otherwise damage your skin cells, aging you more quickly. Consuming nuts, seeds and oils that are rich in vitamin E protects you from the aging effect of these free radicals by neutralizing the free radicals before they can cause damage.

Some tips.
If your hair and skin is dry, you really should eat more nuts. Snack on walnuts and almonds. These would give your body the oils it needs for healthy hair and healthy skin. Look at dry skin. Wrinkles appear faster on dry skin. Dry skin looks older. Well hydrated, healthy skin looks younger. Which would you prefer?

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